
Financial Indicators

  • Total assets

    (millions of yen)

  • Net assets

    (millions of yen)

  • Net assets per share


  • Equity ratio


  • The second quarter (2Q) is the cumulative results from the first quarter to the second quarter.
  • The third quarter (3Q) is the cumulative results from the first quarter to the third quarter.
  • The fourth quarter (4Q) is the cumulative results from the first quarter to the fourth quarter.

Notes Concerning the Aforementioned Information

  • If corrections to financial statements are announced, the contents of this data may not be reflected immediately.
  • The frequency of updating may be affected due to a change in financial statement formatting.

The contents of this data are prepared based on financial statements.
We take great care in converting data for publication, but it is possible for errors in reporting to occur due to mechanical tampering, force majeure, tampering by a third party, or malfunction of equipment, etc. Please keep this in mind when viewing this information.
For more information regarding financial statements, please refer to the financial statement summary for details.